Let’s Read the Declaration of Independence Together

Independence Hall, Philadelphia - Declaration of Independence

Sometimes, when we seek the sense and meaning of an important text, it helps to read it aloud, or to hear it read aloud while we read the text. In case it’s useful to you, here I am, reading the Declaration of Independence on Independence Day 2023. I’m not a trained voice actor, as you will see.

At least I have the sense to keep reading, resisting the considerable temptation to stop and comment. So the audio file isn’t hours long; it’s less than ten minutes, including my reading of the signers’ names. (I figure they earned the attention.)

If you’d like to read along with me, here’s a link to the transcription I used at the National Archives.

Here’s the audio.

Photo credit: Dan Mall on Unsplash

David Rodeback - impeachment

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David Rodeback fiction collections - Poor As I Am and The Dad Who Stayed

One thought on “Let’s Read the Declaration of Independence Together”

  1. Annette Bean says:

    Thank you for the audio reading of the Declaration of Independence! It was especially well-timed for me, as I’ve been reading “The Real George Washington” the last few weeks, and I’m just now reading about the colonists realizing they must rebel. As I listened to the Declaration, I realize I’ve never read it beyond the first paragraph or two. It was informative and kind of surprising to hear such a long list of grievances. I understand much better now why they had to act! And perhaps what we have to watch out for in our day.

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